bicenergy empowers the world. We are changing the game by addressing people´s energy needs – no matter if it is a poor family in the Sub-Sahara or for the manager in New York: we want to increase quality of life in either way.

Needs/business potential / game changer possibilities

840 million

people still have no access to electricity

1 billion

more people will be born in Sub-Saharan Africa by 2050 and will account for more than half a global population growth


of all homeowners are interested in generating their own electricity within the next four years

$1 trillion

investment is needed to ensure universal access to electricity in Sub-Saharan Africa by 2030

We are BEST IN CLASS - our 360-approach empowers the world


We are BEST IN CLASS - we are bicenergy

Our goal is to ensure access to reliable, best in class, sustainable solutions for everyone.

With solutions and infrastructure that are state of the art technology and based on high quality German engineering, while easy to deploy and maintain at any place. We support the full project lifecycle: starting with a solid project investment model that is based on sale, rental or finance. We provide mobile products that are tailor made for basic needs. We solve on-grid, off-grid as well as hybrid challenges – and we can provide smart-grid or private-grid solutions. Our solutions are independent of grid, water and soil.

We take fully care of the assembling as well as operations and maintenance. Digital payment services like PAYGo (pay as you go) or EaaS (Energy as a Service) will be the digital service backbone to provide best in class customer experience. We enable local communities as well as individual residents. The support of health and education environments is a logical consequence of our integrated offering. In terms of innovation, our energy and re-charge stations could be deployed as full commercial centers. Integrated agriculture or industrial domes are also part of our portfolio.


Technology solutions are getting cheaper fast. Key renewable energy technologies of solar, wind, batteries and electrolyzers are on technology learning curves whereby their costs fall by 15%-20% for every doubling in capacity. This means they are rapidly falling below the costs of existing fossil fuel technologies in an increasing number of locations.

Southern Hemisphere

The global potential Off Grid Solar (OGS) market remains substantial, with 840 million people without electricity access, over 1 billion connected to an unreliable grid, over 70 million farmers who could leverage OGS for productive use and a promising public institutions market.

Off-grid solar systems are increasingly finding applications in rural areas for providing an alternative to grid extensions. It is required for lowering the emission levels of greenhouse gases and successfully making the switch to alternative energy. Acknowledgement of solar energy and incentives provided to people can drive its sales. 

Small and medium-sized enterprises can take advantage of grid-based electricity to attain their needs. Grid defection rates can be lowered in situations of hybrid plants offering distributed energy services. Village lighting schemes and establishment of microgrids can lead to storage of solar energy in off-site grids. The non-residential segment is expected to rule the market owing to demand for solar power by small and medium enterprises. Focus on renewable energy and steady economic growth can drive the demand for off-grid equipment. 

PAYGo and other business models offering consumer finance are expanding the global addressable market, bringing OGS products within affordable reach of a larger share of the population.

Northern Hemisphere

Experts agree that the advance of electrification in the coming decades will super-charge the shift to renewables. The renewables-based electrification of European industry, buildings, and transport will allow the continent to reduce its energy-related carbon dioxide emissions by 90 percent by 2050, according to some predictions.


Energy storage will be needed in the system due to variable wind and solar production. There are multiple energy storage technologies and the skill is to combine them in a system. Some of the solutions that are likely to expand in the coming years include hydro-reservoirs, batteries, Power-to-X fuels, and seasonal thermal energy storage. These same technologies will also be useful for countries with large nuclear power industries. Above all, energy storage allows an efficient flow of power to be maintained despite the intermittent nature of wind or solar sources. Storage technologies will evolve within the energy system along with the increased use of renewable energies.


The major growth driver of Hybrid Battery Energy Storage System Market includes growing demand for high power and high energy density of batteries, growing need for high energy storage system for load shifting, and growing small and medium sized businesses among others.

Solution Portfolio

Our solutions are based on vast expertise in research & development as well as implemented projects. We are offering products and services that meet energy demand of today. We also support with the full installation and maintenance lifecycle. Our clients can rely on high quality “German engineered” infrastructure as well as trusted advisory while we also bet on local assembling or production and best in class O&M.

Bicenergy is offering a product set that can be easily adapted to various needs. Our product infrastructure has been developed to fulfill needs of the Northern and the Southern hemisphere.

bicenergy – Best In Class Products

We put a strong emphasis of our work in continuous Research & Development (R&D). This is based on a more than 25 years expertise in the renewables energy sector, more than 6 GW in renewables globally engineered and managing bn$ businesses in renewables. Over the years we went through an evolution from installing large solar plants towards a customer-centric focused solution provider.
» Highest quality made in Germany
» Standardized and Customized
» Fast Implementation
» Flexible Product Design based on customer needs
» Fit for Purpose
» On Demand 
» Mobile

» Affordable, Reliable and Sustainable


All of our products are highlighted in our Bicenergy DEMO CENTER
in Günzburg, Germany.

The Dome

The Dome is our HERO product. It is a flexible solution made for many purposes. Fast installation, a solid ROI and a customized solution will be guaranteed.

• Sustainable non-disrupted green energy • Cold storage • Office space • Shop system • Aquaponic food production • Water pump and water storage • Energy management system • Battery storage

Agriculture Dome

• Sustainable non-disrupted green energy • Cold storage • Climate seed and crop storage • Water pump and storage • Office space • Shop for agriculture products, water and energy • EV charging • Battery sale and swap out Agriculture

Green Tech SMB Hub

Small Medium Business HU • Green energy • Sustainable non-disrupted energy • Modern creative space • Mobile asset • Modular • Any SMB use case • Co2 neutral The SMB HUB will be designed in larger scale containing more renewable energy.

Energy / Charging Stations

Charge & Shop – Customer experience energy station • Energy sale or battery swap out • Hybrid source of renewable energy and grid access • Battery storage supply system • New customer experience standard • Additional services and shopping facilities • Next generation gas station The design is just a concept to provide an impression.


We are constantly putting lots of efforts in R & D. There will be a new product announced in the second quarter. This product will  • Compelling cost/benefit ratio • All products are mobile  • Easy installation requires minimum efforts • Cube technology provides a “all-in” solution for energy self-sufficiency • “all-in cubes” provide an energy on demand approach • Flexibility – “all-in cubes” can be adapted to specific requirements • Multi-usage – can be used for individual households, companies, farmers  up to independent villages • Replace and relieve Diesel generators

Our offering is BEST IN CLASS and so is our leadership team. We all bring vast experience to the table. We are specialists in our fields and generalists when it comes to the BIG picture. The mix of sector expertise is truly unique and reflected in our offering. We approach Sales, Marketing, Product Engineering and Market insights with the BEST IN CLASS people.


Stephan Herkert

Strategy & Market

Stephan has a proven track record in running enterprises being in different Board roles. As the CCO, he led REC Solar global, one of the worldwide leading solar panel manufacturers. He adds strategic business and organizational knowledge as well as global go-to-market experience. Stephan was actively involved in various M & A´s and also went IPO with some companies in the past. He has 30 years mgmt experience in founding start ups and leading bn$ companies around the globe and more than 10 years within renewable energies.

Prince Malik Ado-Ibrahim

Strategy & Market

Prince Malik was educated in the UK and US and has a great aptitude for sports as well as international business and finance. He has been involved in high profile business deals globally and has been honored and welcomed by governments and heads of state around the world. He became one of the first winners of the coveted IREO award at the United Nations for the development of the Dyna X (RHP) renewable Hybrid Power Unit. Malik was asked to become the IGO’s first Undersecretary general that year and contributed in helping to de- velop the organizations acceptance around the world. He has a great passion for public service and tremen- dous interest in sustainable living and environmental development. He has a top-network globally and is a true visonary.

Manuel Hüttl


Manuel is marketing veteran for more than two decades now. Through his career he led global agencies of different sizes. He run projects for worldwide leading companies such as Microsoft, DELL, Panasonic, KPMG, Ingenico, Segway and many more. Manuel brings a deep understanding of the renewable sector along. He brought Cana- dian Solar into the global Top 3 solar manufacturers, supported the large utilities player E.ON with their global e-charging station project. Manuel did go through the evolution from classical into digital marketing and adds a great expertise of performance and content marketing. He is the European Senior Vice President of the CMO Council, which represents the worldwide largest peer group of Senior Marketeers with its 16.000 members.

bicenergy GmbH Glatt-Tower Neue Winterthurer Str. 99 8304 Zurich-Wallisellen Switzerland

bicenergy GmbH Perlacher Str. 29 82418 Riegsee Germany

bicenergy Ltd. No.33, Ahmed Musa Crescent Jabi, Abuja Nigeria